It encored on Monday , but if you missed it you didn't miss much.
Ok I have to say that was the most boring show ever. Ok for the first female host in 16 years, I am all for girl power but I say give it back to the guys. Chelsea Handler sucked ! ( I wonder who did she actually suck to get that gig?) She started on a flate note from the begining. Whats up with the repeated ball stapling joke???? I guess she ran out of material too. They should have just let Nicki & Kate Perry share hosting. They were funny. They need to do something together.
Now on to Material, Lady G , did not fail to impress. I guess she is a real steak & potatoes guy's type of girl. You can take her out to dinner or she can be dinner. Check out her Meat Dress with accesseriories
I think her wardobe changes saved the show.
Another let down, they hyped up Kanye West vs Taylor Swift so much,but nothing happened. Kanye doesn't owe anyone anything. And Taylor with her " Innocent" girl next door act, is so yesterday. Boring.
Everyone knows B, can wipe the floor "Swiftly with Taylor. I am cracking myself up right now. ( haha ha) Overall show was a bomb, but hey thats my opinion. And in a Justin Bieber Fever world I don't think it counts a lot. But in my Butterfly Diva world, I could have got some more sleep.
On , on to the next show.