Ok now to all of you out in cyberspace, who run across my blog. Let me know what you think. Comment, comment, comment. That is how I can make it better. Let me know you are out there.
Ok this year so far I am getting finances straight. So my make-up hauls are on hold. I will post what I got before Christmas. Just some staples to cross off my list. MAC's Warm Blend MSF & Fix +, and Cyber that wanna be Rihanna lip color( not) what a waste. I got Color stay foundation in my stocking a some lashes, which by the way I still have not gotten the hang of wearing. I really am getting over make- up. A lip gloss here and there is different, a girl can never have too much lip gloss, Right???
I really want to work on getting house together. And savings.
So on to bigger and better things in 2010!!!!!