Now in current events a family in Peroia, Ariz who harmlessly took their family vaction pics to Walmart to have them printed were reported to the police and CPS by a Walmart photo lab person. The pics had what we all have somewhere in our photo albums innocent pics of kids getting out of bathtub partially nude.
Now, are we suppose to bath our kids fully clothed? Or should we just resit the urge to capture that Kodak moment of lil Jack or Jane at that tender age we will never see them at again.Little toes, little fingers, little tush. What about the pics of little Albert's first potty time is that banned in America too??
To most parents that is a note worthy accomplishement. Now I understand, I don't think I would post those pics to internet. Why fuel the fantasies of some sicko? But I might just want to share those pics with grandma like 500 miles away.
Another point to mention, what is the screening process of Walmart employees? How do we know this overzealous employee doesn't have some personal or religious hangups.? Who made them judge and jury to tear our families apart. I never had this happen to me (thank God). But I have had family memebers who had an a slight suspicion of child neglect or abuse can snatch your kids right out of your arms. And it s like fight wolves to get them back and everythign thing cleared up.
Not to slam my best bargin shopping spot, but some employees look pretty seedy to me.
On another child topic The VIEW 9/17/09
Had and episode about spanking your child.( Corpal punishment)
They were talking about a study that showed that spanking had more bad effects on children than previously thought. 3 were in favor 1 aganist ( Joy). With Latoya Jackson on pannel.
Culturally there are differences. There are reasons that African Americans find no issue with laying hands on a backside every now an then if need be. There are reason why white america are more lenient.Historically they never had to raise their children. AA had safe guarding rules to live by to insure their lives. Some still might be effect to bring back in cases like Boston's House arrest of Prof Kates.
There again is a big difference between swating a behind or legs and bruising and leaving marks and physical and mental scars. As I said before abuse is abuse. And all ABUSE is WRONG!
A child needs structure, and limits. .And with this, with an unruley child there might need to be matters of enforcement. What types of enforcement depends on the the event. And many option should be tried. But if it is a choice to teach a valuable lesson that has to be learned I agree that a spanking might be what is in order.
I learned early on that I did like getting one, so I did what I needed to avoid them. Lessons learned.
Maybe we should spend more time patroling the sickos and the ones hurting the kids for spite. Lock them up. Close down the human trafficking, and internet kiddy porn first. And let parents stand up and parent their kids. Are we protecting kids or policing parents?
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